REM sleep

what is REM sleep?

Well, there are four cycles of sleep, each consisting of four stages N1, N2, N3, and REM, or rapid eye movement. Sleep is the fourth and final stand of sleep. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a stage of sleep associated with dreaming and memory consolidation. REM sleep was first discovered in the 1950s, when scientists studying sleeping infants noticed that there were distinct periods when their eyes moved rapidly from side to side. These rapid eye movements, or REMs, earned REM sleep its name.

what happens in REM sleep?

A couple of physiological changes happen that are very important.

1. muscle tone drops to the lowest point during the night. Basically, your muscles go offline and your body becomes virtually paralyzed. The only muscles that are online are your extra ocular eye muscles and your diaphragm, which is the main breathing muscle. And this is sort of the way we were designed or evolved, to prevent us from acting out dreams.

2. our breathing gets quite irregular. REM sleep originates in an area of the brain called the pawns. The pawns cause temporary muscle paralysis by turning off signals to neurons in the spine. This prevents the acting out of dreams, which can cause injury or damage to us.

Dreams can occur during non-REM sleep also, but the more vivid and frequent dreams occur during REM sleep. The brain activity sets the stage for vivid dreaming, which appears to be important for processing emotions and storing memories. As REM sleep begins, the brain generates PGO waves. PGO waves appear to be related to the eye movements of REM sleep and the visual phenomenon that we experience during dreams. We may be able to see our dreams because of the involvement of PGO waves with parts of the brain that process visual signals. PGO waves may also cue the brain to play back the day's experiences so they can be processed and stored as memories.

one of the most interesting aspects of REM sleep is muscle paralysis or Rem-atonia. Rem sleep originates in an area of the brain called the pawns. The pawns cause temporary muscle paralysis by turning off signals to neurons in the spine. This prevents the acting out of dreams which can cause injury or damages. People that have this condition tend to have dreams predominantly about being attacked or fighting, trying to defend themselves or others and tend to be violent in their sleep. So, there's punching, kicking, falling out of bed, running headfirst into walls. Some people have even jumped through windows, broken glass and fallen out of windows during these episodes. So, it can be really dangerous thing. It needs to be identified quickly. It's often not identified for many years now.

Sleep paralysis is a little different from Rem-atonia. Sleep paralysis causes the inability to move or speak while the brain is awake and conscious. Sleep paralysis results from incomplete awakening during REM sleep. This is a form of parasomnia, a sleep disorder that causes unusual sensations or behavior during sleep. Sufferers usually describe episodes as frightening, but the effects are temporary and typically last only a few seconds. Rare episodes can last a few minutes for even longer. It tends to happen in periods of time where sleep is very disrupted. had sleep deprivation or sleep schedule has really got thrown off. It's common for College students to have this during finals.

Rem sleep behavior disorder is a sleep disorder characterized by a loss of the muscle paralysis. Unique to REM sleep. People with this disorder act out their dreams and can cause injury or damage to surroundings. REM sleep behavior disorder 1% of the population and can be a possible predictor of neurological diseases like Parkinson's disease and dementia.

What can happen when you don't get enough REM sleep?

Studies show that lack of REM sleep can cause inability to remember tasks, regulate emotions and Ward off illnesses. Chronic lack of REM sleep can cause metabolism dysfunction. Stand waking.

If you feel you may be suffering from a REM sleep disorder other medical condition, please see a trained professional.

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