Fake Court Exposed in Gujarat: How Imposters Duped Victims Out of Lakhs!

After Fake SBI in Chhattisgarh, New Incident Highlights Fake Court Case in Gujarat

Following the shocking revelation of a fake State Bank of India (SBI) branch in Chhattisgarh, a new incident has emerged in Gujarat, where a fake court case has come to light, involving a network of fraudsters including a man posing as a judge named Morris Samuel Christian. This case not only raises alarms about the integrity of judicial processes but also underscores the need for heightened vigilance within governmental institutions.

Fake Court Room setup by imposter.

Fake judge Morris Samuel Christian.

Operation of the Fake Court

In Gandhinagar, Gujarat, a group of individuals operated a fake court that mimicked real judicial proceedings. The orchestrators, led by Morris Samuel Christian, posed as a judge and conducted hearings on various cases, including land disputes. The fake court was equipped with fabricated documents and a semblance of legal authority, misleading unsuspecting citizens into believing they were part of a legitimate legal process.

Modus Operandi of the Fraudsters

Victims were lured into this fraudulent setup under the guise of seeking legal resolutions for their disputes. The fake court offered quick resolutions and favorable judgments, making it attractive for those involved in land conflicts. Many individuals, seeking justice, unknowingly submitted their cases to this fraudulent entity, believing they were engaging with a legitimate judicial system.

Key Individuals Involved

In addition to Morris Samuel Christian, several accomplices played roles in the operation of the fake court. These included individuals posing as lawyers and court officials who assisted in executing the fraudulent activities. Their collaboration created a convincing atmosphere of authenticity, further deceiving the victims.

Discovery of the Fraudulent Activities

The fraudulent operations of this fake court came to light when several victims raised concerns about the authenticity of the judgments they received. As they attempted to enforce these rulings in real courts, discrepancies emerged, prompting an investigation by law enforcement. The inquiry revealed a systematic scam that had operated for months, deceiving numerous individuals.

Legal Action and Consequences

Following the investigation, police launched a crackdown on the fake court and its operators. Morris Samuel Christian and several accomplices were arrested, facing charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code for cheating, forgery, and conspiracy. Authorities are now working to identify all victims and ensure they receive proper legal redress.

Implications for the Judicial System

This incident raises critical questions about the security and oversight of judicial institutions in Gujarat. The ease with which the fake court was able to function highlights significant gaps in the monitoring of legal processes. It underscores the necessity for stricter regulations and enhanced public awareness to prevent such fraudulent activities from occurring in the future.


The emergence of a fake court in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, following the revelation of a fake SBI branch in Chhattisgarh, serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within our financial and judicial systems. It is imperative for both the government and the public to remain vigilant against such frauds and to advocate for stronger protections to ensure the integrity of institutions that are meant to serve justice.

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