Kerala Students Busted: Asking Excise Officers for a Matchbox to Light Ganja Beedi!

School Excursion Gone Wild: Students Caught with Drugs After Accidentally Walking Into Excise Office

Cartoon image depicting of the incident.

In what can only be described as the worst pitstop ever, on Monday excise officers in Adimali, Kerala, were left bewildered when a group of school students accidentally wandered into their office and casually asked for a matchbox to light a beedi rolled with ganja! Yes, you read that right—school kids on a field trip decided to take a quick break from education to indulge in a bit of… well, illegal activities.

The incident occurred on Monday when students from an aided school in Thrissur, accompanied by their teachers, were on an excursion. Their curiosity, however, led them to the wrong door—literally. Mistaking the excise office for a workshop (as one does), the students casually strolled in, requesting a matchbox like it was just another day at the tool shed.

Unfortunately for them, the excise officers were neither amused nor in the mood to play along. The students were caught red-handed with ganja, hashish oil, and other contraband items that could make a drug peddler blush. As you might guess, this didn’t end with a polite apology and a lecture about the dangers of fire safety.

Instead, a full-blown case was registered against two minors who were found in possession of the banned substances. Talk about a memorable field trip—this one's going to be hard to forget!

Apparently, after a meal at a nearby hotel, a few of these adventurous souls decided to step outside to enjoy a little “smoke break” (not your regular cigarette break, mind you). In their quest for a light, they made the fatal error of knocking on the excise office’s back door, mistaking it for a friendly neighborhood workshop.

"When they realized who we were, they took off like rabbits," said a senior excise officer, no doubt recalling the frantic scene. But their running shoes weren't fast enough—everyone was caught, and after a quick search, the officers found a stash of banned substances that would put any drug bust to shame.

While the majority of the students were sent back with their teachers, after receiving a serious talking-to and some much-needed counselling, the two students found with the illicit goodies weren’t so lucky. Their parents were summoned, and the legal proceedings have officially begun.

Now, while the situation has its head-shakingly funny moments, there's a much deeper concern here. Officials have highlighted that drug use among students, particularly during school and college excursions, is becoming alarmingly common. In this case, it appears the students pooled their money to buy drugs from a local peddler—proving that some kids can be resourceful, just not in the ways we’d hope.

The excise department, meanwhile, is determined to follow through with the legal case, serving as a grim reminder that drug abuse is no laughing matter—even when the circumstances are as bizarre as this. As concerned as we are about the future of these kids, let’s hope the next time they go on an excursion, they stick to sightseeing instead of experimenting with substances!

After all, it’s one thing to get lost on a school trip; it’s another to knock on the door of law enforcement and ask them to help you light your ganja beedi!

Written by Sanjoo Thapa

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