Living Without Electricity for 83 Years: The Incredible Life of Dr. Hema Sane!

 The Inspiring Life of Dr. Hema Sane: A True Environmentalist and Botanist

Dr. Hema Sane.

In the heart of bustling Pune, where the hum of modern life never ceases, there lives a woman whose life defies every contemporary norm. At 83 years old, Dr. Hema Sane, a renowned botanist and academician, has lived her entire life without electricity. No fridge, no television, no modern gadgets. And yet, her life has been full, her contribution to science and society immense, and her wisdom beyond compare.

Born in a time when electricity was a luxury few could afford, Dr. Sane has never felt the need for it. Her love for simplicity, nature, and sustainability has shaped her lifestyle in a way that most modern-day environmentalists would admire. Long before sustainability became a global movement, Dr. Sane was living the “green” life, in the truest sense of the word.

A Life Lit by Kerosene Lamps and Solar Power

Dr. Sane’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. She completed her Master’s and Ph.D. in Botany, not under the glow of electric lights, but by the flickering flame of a kerosene lamp. Over time, this kerosene lamp was replaced by a solar-powered one—a small nod to modern innovation in her otherwise minimalist lifestyle. The rest of her house, however, remains completely devoid of electrical appliances. For over eight decades, she has relied on nature’s gifts and the light from her lamps to guide her through life.

Her home, nestled among the trees she planted, is shared with birds, animals, and an impressive collection of plants. It’s a sanctuary, far removed from the frenetic pace of city life, yet located right in the heart of Pune. Every morning, she wakes up to the sound of chirping birds, a simple joy that she cherishes as part of her nature-centric life.

A Scholar and Teacher

Dr. Sane is not only a dedicated environmentalist but also a scholar of great repute. She has taught Botany at Pune’s prestigious Garware College from 1962 until her retirement in 2000, even serving as the head of the department for a time. Her approach to teaching was just as unconventional as her lifestyle. She firmly believes that Botany can’t be fully understood within the confines of a classroom. Instead, she would take her students out into nature, into the "real classroom," where they could touch, feel, and experience the living world of plants.

Her influence didn’t stop at the classroom door. Dr. Sane has written and published 10 books—many of which are still part of the curriculum for students at the University of Pune. Her last book, written in 2018, focused on sustainable development—an idea she has embodied long before it became a catchphrase.

A Love for History and Mythology

At 46, Dr. Sane pursued a Master’s in Indology, driven by her love for history and mythology. Even after her retirement, she continued to study, write, and share her knowledge. Her work on the mythology of trees is a testament to her belief that nature and culture are deeply intertwined. She has given numerous talks on these subjects and is considered an institution unto herself.

Despite her academic achievements, Dr. Sane remains remarkably humble. She relies on her trusted radio for daily news, knowledge, and music, as she has never used the Internet, a television, or even a refrigerator. Her ability to live with so little is a reflection of her deep-rooted belief in the principles of sustainability.

A Woman of Principles: The 6 Rs of Sustainable Living

Dr. Sane’s philosophy of life can be summed up in the six Rs she teaches to anyone willing to listen: Refuse, Reuse, Recycle, Restore, Respect, and Reduce. These principles guide every aspect of her daily life. She refuses to waste, recycles what she can, and respects the environment with unwavering commitment. Cooking only as much as she needs, drawing water from a well, and reusing old book receipts for writing—every action is deliberate, every choice mindful.

Her prized possessions? A few sarees, a room filled with books, and her trusty solar lamp. When asked about her lifestyle, Dr. Sane’s response is simple: “I don’t feel lonely at all. People keep dropping in, but even when I’m alone, I stay occupied with my books and papers.”

She has no shortage of visitors. Her former colleague brings her home-cooked food every afternoon, and her publisher’s assistant regularly checks in to deliver medicines and supplies. Despite her simple lifestyle, Dr. Sane's intellectual curiosity remains sharp, her compassion for nature unyielding, and her spirit, undiminished.

A Life of Legacy

Dr. Hema Sane has been honored by All India Radio, Pune, for being a long-time listener and contributor, a testament to her deep engagement with the world despite her self-imposed isolation from modern technology. Through her teachings, writings, and personal example, she has inspired countless students and nature enthusiasts to live more harmoniously with the planet.

Her story is not just one of academic brilliance, but of deep environmental consciousness, personal sacrifice, and an unwavering commitment to a life lived in tune with nature. In a world racing toward modernity, Dr. Hema Sane reminds us that sometimes, the most progressive way to live is by looking back at the wisdom of simpler times.

In an era dominated by electricity, Dr. Sane’s life shines as a beacon, illuminating the power of living lightly on the earth. A true environmentalist, her legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

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